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Asta CATAWIKI Tex e Zagor

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Iper Zagoriano
Iper Zagoriano

Registrato: 21/12/03 01:26
Messaggi: 11517
Località: Istanbul

MessaggioInviato: Ven Mag 05, 2023 8:28 pm    Oggetto: Abdülcanbaz. Rispondi citando

This is the most important Turkish comics character created by the talented, progressive author Turhan Selçuk.
That character and his entourage, reflect the evolution of the Turkish society, with the good ones for the support of the pover amd the bad ones who had stolen the society.
I had already opened a topic for him but sadly it was canceled by I wonder who.
Its a worldwide known character.
Happily, I saw him thanks to Castelli, in a Martin Mystere story.
Well represented.
Consequently, he is also a member of the great fumetti ecosystem.
Thanks Castelli!
Dont cancel that topic now Laughing
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